The Heber-Overgaard Human Resources Department welcomes you and invites you to visit our campuses in the beautiful pines. We’re one of Arizona’s outstanding small school districts in a rural, active community that supports education. We offer preschool through 12th grade studies a range of support services, special and innovative programs, competitive salaries and benefits, and professional growth opportunities.
Employment Information
Every year we hire many new employees as teachers, secretaries, computer technicians, bus drivers, maintenance workers, and classroom aides—just to name a few. If you’re interested in joining our team, find out how to apply.
Certified Application Process
Certified positions include administrators, teachers, and counselors. Please submit all required application materials, and we will contact you for a screening interview. Needed materials include the following:
- A completed application
- An unofficial copy of your college or university transcripts
- A college or university placement file or three letters of recommendation from previous employers
- A copy of your current valid Arizona teaching certificate
- A copy of your current valid fingerprint clearance card
Classified Application Process
Classified personnel include all support staff in positions that do not require a teaching certificate to perform their job. These positions include clerical, maintenance, bus drivers, classroom aides, and other positions. To apply for a classified position, fill out the classified application and deliver it by mail, fax, or email to our office. If you have submitted an application within the last year, please submit a qualifications sheet to advise our staff of your desire to have your application considered for a new position.
Applicants may also wish to submit a resumé with the application. Current employees who wish consideration for a position only need to submit a qualifications sheet.
Substitute Teacher Application Process
Our substitute teachers are an important part of the educational program. They contribute much to the children of our community. Substitutes are paid $90.00 to $100.00 per day, depending on the type of certification. Heber-Overgaard Unified School District #6 is willing to walk you through the certification process. You must first submit a Substitute Application and unofficial transcripts to the district office. You will then need to follow these steps:
1. Obtain a fingerprint clearance card from the Arizona Department of Public Safety. You may call 602-223-2279 for a packet. The Heber-Overgaard District Office has the packets and will take your prints with an appointment at 928-535-4622 extension 5001.
2. Screening interview with the Superintendent.
3. The Arizona Department of Education will need a valid fingerprint clearance card, official transcripts or High School Diploma, and an application to issue a substitute certificate. For further information, you may contact ADE at 602-542-4367 or visit the Arizona Educator Certification website.
The following must be completed before substitute assignments begin:
- Measles and Rubella Immunization Record Form
- Loyalty Oath
- W-4 Form (Income Tax-IRS)
- A-4 Form (Arizona Withholding)
- I-9 Eligibility Verification Form
- Photo ID and an original Social Security Card
- Orientation
Human Resources Contact Information
Heber-Overgaard Unified School District No. 6
3375 Buckskin Canyon Rd.
P.O. Box 547
Heber, AZ 85928
Phone: 928-535-4622, ext. 5001